mardi 23 octobre 2012

Tunisia is where the heart is.

A year ago, I was pushing everyone in my family to go to vote, I even made my brother register at the last moment.I was so proud,hopeful , and aspiring to see a country relive a wave of freedom since our independence in 1956. I still remember the excitement, the happiness , and the urge to vote in every Tunisian who were there at the voting rooms. We made the voting day a family quality time thing. We never really voted, my parents votes were systematically counted and we had electoral cards that only served to justify fake votes. I took pictures the day of the election, my first ever election , a way for me to remember theses moments, to tell my children about that day, to share what I lived with persons who've done it before me and those who did not. I took pictures to remind me of my right and duties, to remind me that freedom always come with a price, and that one can be deprived from enjoying his/her right to be a citizen. I believe that things did change for me, I realized that who ever I would elect, that person works for me. By this I mean, that who ever presents him/herself for a governmental position is a public official that should for the people who had voted for him and never the other way around. I was thinking that those persons would smart enough to realize that very simple notion.Alas, some thought have a nice desk would make them " a khalifa instead of the current one". I am still hoping that my land would and will stay the country of peace, where people never hesitate to enjoy life's simplest pleasures, where the jasmine's smell reminds me my sweet Tunisia. May Allah protect you from obscurantism, ignorance and GREED!

mardi 21 août 2012

Georgia on my mind

In the country where democracy is a key element and freedom is a mundane right,where cops are almighty in some southern state.if you have a natural tan a'd you don't look white enough for common standards better have some ID on you!!!Who said that deportation cat be rightfully recycled?

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lundi 20 août 2012


J'ai  l'impression que le gouvernement Tunisien s'adresse au peuple en mode John Rumbo/Ju7a...

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jeudi 9 août 2012


Lonely banch

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Une vie de chat...

Sitting in the living-room, watching TV, there is a U2 song "where the streets have no name".Well , that made me wonder about life in here.Here, all the streets have names, even the tiniest lanes still have some kind of name referring to them. Two weeks and a half in Belgium, an eternity to me.Two cats to clean after, pretend to love and sometimes talk to. A week and a half since I have had a status. I am the ' vrouwke' and it does not thrill me that much. It is funny how things turn, it all started with a joke that led to something more serious " a relationship".I do not know if I really want that but all I know is that I have challenges to faces, people to convince of my intentions and others to show my potential to. Things are the same or look to be the same. Now, what worries me the most is how I should do things.Reinvent, recreate, remodel or just go with the flow. Once a teacher told us in the class that overdoing things , trying to make every single thing count would lead to a personal breakdown, that sometimes we need to come up with a system that would help us make things easier for ourselves. I think that for the moment , I do not really enjoy the system which means that either I have to change or to find out an other system that works for me.whatever happens, things will end up in a way that I have to figure out the functioning. Life is not about systems , calculations and equations, It can also be about good hazards, things planned often lose their attraction. Believing in an instant of pure happiness it much better then boxing emotions according to timing that often are there to reassure us , nothing more or less.

mercredi 25 juillet 2012

My CELTA marriage

About a month ago , I started my CELTA intensive course.I never erally knew what the word intensive meant but now I DO. The course makes you go through a rollercoaster of emotions where family and friends support is a must. I knew about some consequences in case one is absent or not doing the job the right way.the thing that I decided to do was to surrender to the fact that I was getting married during the last week of the course. reckless decision, expected problems , sure there were plenty, all i knew is that I did not want to give up on my course , due to the fact that my weddign celebrations was there. The day I went to pay the deposit, my tutor warned me nicely that it was not the best idea ever, that many persons could not handle the stress and the requirements of the course. I sat there, reflecting upon my situation thinking about the outcomes.I made my descion and paid the deposit.I knew I ws not the toughest person on earth , the only rock solid thing I knew about was the major fact that my family are there for me no matter what happens.

samedi 16 juin 2012


I have always thought that some countries are real models of advancement, culture and that they are models to be followed.In this process , I grew fond of foreign cultures and civilizations and I drifted away from my own. But this sounds like a vile lie to me , certainly when I witness how Muslims are treated in many non Arab/Muslim countries. Being a Muslim seems to me like being a Jew during the WWII, there are so many similarities and things are heading to almost the same results, only that, instead of using gas chambers,tools have changed . Let Arabs kill each other with their weapons. Being a Muslim in early democracies ( Weastern Europe and USA) looks more like a hide and seek game, Where Muslims need to justify their faith and beliefs , stick to the rules and keep a low profile no matter how discriminated against they are. Let's take the example of Belgium,Brussels is the capital of Europe, where people from European and non-European descent live.The extreme right wing aka die Vlaams Belang,made of Muslims its main scapegoats to jusfity the economic crisis, high criminality rates and of course, community tensions. to counter this extremists party, we find Chariaa4belgium group, where the leader is, according for my own personal jusgement as extremist as the leader of the Vlaams belang. the groups main goal is guarantee that belgians, native European accept the chariaa as the primary source of law.well ,their project is too ambitious , and that led to growing conflicts. Unfortunately, not all the Muslims in Europe are fanatics, blood thirsty , dark skinned, long bearded persons. As a Muslima married to a converted Belgian , I think that there is a lot of misundertanding, misinformation and political manipulation leading to masses brainwashing. Not all veiled Muslim women were raped by a relative , forced to get married, bitten by their husbands and living under constant threat of death.This is what sensational media look for the paint the portait of the Evil Muslim that they want to transmit to the rest of the world. Not every bearded man has plan to blow himself square, recruit desperate teenagers to plant dark hated thoughts in them, ready to slit koffar's throats( non believer) to become a martyr , or call for Jihad to justify the killing and the chaos. If Europeans claim to be cultured and educated , they should read and get informed about the people they systematically put in the " Backwarded terrorist Mulism" box. All I am hoping now, is that these so called democracies take the time and use the right means to brign people together not to add fuel to fire, as it seems this is all they do know. These governments love to show their power and they honest will to help those countries where " Muslim extremists" are doing all the wrong to their own people,destroy their own blood and flesh, it's a huge shame to see those same countries sell ammunition, guns , and bullets targeted to kill children and women that they call casualties of unfriendly dictator regimes. They keeping promoting democracy and freedom as trademarks that only them fully understand the meaning.whereas ,all they do is to sponsor bloodshed, rape and murder. Vive la liberté de tuer et d'abuser de la vie humaine sous l’égide de démocratie!

mercredi 30 mai 2012

A driver called me " stupid ass" because I stopped at the level of the traffic light when it was red. I must be a real ass then because I wanted to apologize to him.

lundi 28 mai 2012

Yesterday I read a post from a so called friend living in France, where he said that Tunisians deserve what is happening to them and that it is going to become a 'Taliban' state in North Africa, and that he predicts a civil war, because We voted for an Islamist party. There was such hatred in his post , that I started to wonder how could say such horrible things and dare to call himself a Tunisian, from what I know He Did not vote, he rarely comes here and He still has the arrogance to wish the worst for Tunisia and Tunisians and I quote him "Mes chers amis tunisiens, je le dis haut et fort , j'espère que vous allez payer le prix fort de votre coup d'état contre la tolérance et la laïcité ainsi que votre support à la l'ultra-islamisme" to sum it up: you deserve all that would happen to you. I do wonder how do Tunisians living abroad participate in life in here.They remember Tunisia for holidays or to come to brag about the luxurious life they have abroad. They come to roll , show off and play the hustlers for the summer time.When I see that do not even have the balls to come here , to participate in the change, to discover life as it is, to be part of what many persons are trying to do to better the situation, some just watch the news, read some online news and base their conclusion on what they think THE TRUTH. I do not care if they think that we live in a third world country, that we are back-warded and that we deserve an extremist regime.Once , The countries that talked democracy and freedom supported the bloodiest regimes as they considered them as allies against terrorism ( a term invented to serve their hidden agendas). Now the supporters of freedom are supporting more radical regimes and play it cool as all they do is being MASTERS OF PUPPETS they purposely put in the system that they control. I am so outraged and ashamed of all of those who under the stained flag of democracy and freedom to choose, chose to trade human lives for power and control, and I am more pitiful for those who pretend that they hold the truth . History is made of facts( easy to fake if you have the proper means ),if you want to make of a coward , well it is easy just put the right price on the heads you want to see falling. Shame on the fraternity of the FREE WORLD.Just score of history,culture, humanity rapists!!!!! N.B: I want to except some Tunisians who live abroad,precisely those who are doing their best make things change in Tunisia.Unlike my dear friend, I won't put all Tunisians in the same basket as that would be a stupidity and a sign of ignorance.

lundi 21 mai 2012

As a young Arab woman, I learnt that we need to remediate to certain things in our society, especially after the revolution. Some topics are very important to deal with among them transparency and human rights guarantees. Tunisia witnessed major changes in its political regime and is still going through the process of establishing a nation where good governance and transparency are a guarantee of a successful democratic transition. The idea behind transparency is to make citizens aware about the deeds of the governing bodies and to allow them to double check what’s happening on the higher political spheres. The creation of an institution guaranteeing the work and procedural move under a specific law that would allow them to access certain information, like government expenditures, financial plans, projects’ law. Citizens have long been excluded from the political and decision making system and transparency is a key tool for good governance as it allows any citizen to be part of the governing system. Thus, making citizens enjoy their full rights. Transparency alone is not enough for a successful transition. What we can learn from other countries that faced the same kind of revolutions, that they based their progress upon bettering education, mainly human rights education, awareness campaigns that target their fellow citizens, encourage freedom of speech through giving the chance for youngsters to debate and discuss their rights and duties, along with urgent points that should be dealt with in their societies, and the changes they want to witness in them. A change can come when we believe in it and what happened across the Arab nations lately shows that something is happening, a burgeoning popular conscious is rising to make its thoughts and voices heard. There was a vast majority of people who thought that change can never come and that it was better to have profile to deal with oppression and dictatorship. Ignorance and fear were the main arms; but now we need to think about what kind of future we want for our children and the upcoming generations. If freedom is just a concept then human life should be worshipped as the most valuable thing on earth. Rising the awareness of people by educated them will not only reduce fear but also ignorance and prejudice. Providing Knowledge is the beginning of a new adventure, and being aware of the world around us is the first step leading towards freedom.

vendredi 4 mai 2012

Tunisia is currently facing many challenges.One would wonder how a tiny country could make the whole nine yards knowing that it has limited natural resouceres compared to its neighbors, Algeria and Lybia. One of the many challenges that are awaiting Tunisia is how to protect its water resources. As many other countries in the region , Tunisia is suffereing from a growing desertification and in some region high water salinity. JCI OLM Tunis , took the initiative the adress the issue through WATER DAY action. A seminar hosted and organised by JCI Tunis is going to be held on June the 9th ,at the UTICA,where speakers from the Ministry of agriculture,OWAS,UNDP and GHS are going to talk about the perspectives, projects, answers to questions that would be adressed during the talks. Be there if you want discover and know more about the future of water in Tunisia.

jeudi 26 avril 2012

Two days ago, I went out with some of my pupils to read in an open-space.The whole idea was to replicate the intiviate " Tunis Ta9ra"/ " Tunis reads". they were pretty excited as most of them cannot do such things as they do not have real opportunity to do out of the school activities expect going to the gym for the PE courses. The only that I have asked to bring was a book.We went to an old church converted into a café/meeting space .Once there, I asked the person who is in charge of the place if we can quietly sit down and read , I told him that I am their english teacher. First reaction, he looked at me disdainfully, as if saying " Hein, she lOoks too young to be a teacher!", Second reaction "sorry , you cannot sit here,I have people coming for a meeting"he said ; pretty reasonable I would say.I was surprised as a pupil who knew the person explained to him that we only wanted to sit down to just read , SILENTLY, he just told me well you can stay outside, what was fine by me, I just needed a place quiet and relaxing so that my pupils would enjoy reading again. I asked him whether I could organize a cultural event, and I got the shortest reply " You a need a permission from the town-hall", pretty convincing to make a tower plunge instantly as answer. Since when culture needs a municipal permission , easy in the land of bureaucracy it does require one. SHAME! All i wanted to initiate a book club for the pupils and here comes the first obstacle. We sat down,outside under the shades of old church and I explained to them the aims behind the outing and we read for a bout an hour, then every pupil presented the book she/he was reading, and provided a brief summary as a way to incite other pupils to read that book. Curiousity was my secret weapon to make pupils get involved in reading! We took some pictures for posterity and I asked them few questions about having our own book club, they loved and asked to it. I think that it is high time to give pupils the opportunity to have extra-curricular activities that would enable them to have the same chances and to raise they awareness about life, society, be active citizen. I am also sad to notice that our educational system is openly practicing Discrimination when I compare the region where I work and other regions where pioneer schools pupils are the stars and the ones belong to remote areas are the outcasts of an UNFAIR educational philosophy. GIVE ALL THE KIDS THE SAME PADDLES AND BOATS AND THEY SHALL SAIL TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE.

lundi 23 avril 2012

Princesspriceless: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghre...

Princesspriceless: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghre...: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghreb region along with the celebration of the first anniversary of the Call of Tunisia and ...
This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghreb region along with the celebration of the first anniversary of the Call of Tunisia and to commemorate the Call of Tanger 1958. The conference of Tunis for a democratic Maghreb union , will be held on April 27th 2012 at the palais des congres.It would be co-organized and coordinated by le mouvement des jeunes maghrebins unis in partenership with UJEM ( l’union des jeunes euro-maghrébins). More than seventy organisations from the Maghreb are going to participate. The programme would contain panels and reflexion workshops. Besides ,there will be a call made by the Youth for a Democratic Maghreb Union, as it is the seminal aim of the conference which is to bring about effective resolutions leading to the fulfillment of the conference’s goals. The youth in the Maghreb region are looking up to Tunisia as a leading maghreb nation requesting political , economical and social policies implementation. As a maghreb nation,Tunisia should inspire the other nations to channel those needs and aspirations in the region, to encourage the youth to stand up for their rights and to guarantee the a prosperous democratic and unified Maghreb. Be there as a Tunisian and as a representative of the maghreb youth.

dimanche 22 avril 2012

For two days,we had a taste of being a European MP through the winding alleys of the ministry of Human rights and transitional democracy, Tunis , Tunisia. A unique opportunity to show that Tunisians can understand and deal with European matters as neutral, knowledgeable and effective MPs. Far from cliche , political and or religious background influences,young men and women gathered to handle what some would think that it might cross the limits of what is politically correct in a newly born democracy. I have been an MP from the conservative and reformist party, I have been in the skin of a British citizen/MP defending European values, identity, unity and diversity. The main issue was whether or not pass a law to ban the Burqa all over Europe as some countries already passed it or still wait for banning it, just like both of France and Belgium did. We had to express our concerns, speak out about our opinions and as any good politician's reflex , we heavily practised the magic L: lobbying. The initiative was taken by the ATEMJ to discuss controversial topics howling currently in Europe.
Two days of sharing,pondering, negotiating and progressing.I loved the experience as we had to discus the Burqa ban, and we concluded that it was not about the Burqa itself as a Islamic garment, what was discussed did not focus on the Burqa as sign of submission for Muslim women ,not as a tarnishing image of Islam and certainly not a way to point at the Muslim community living in Europe. We believe that it should be among European parliament imperatives to enhance cross-cultural communication , to teach cultural differences understanding , and to address issues without falling into the trap of using religion or minorities as scapegoats. Thank you Europe of freedom and human rights. Thank you young Tunisians for sending a wake up call to Europe . It is high time for Europeans to fully understand their neighbors from across the Mediterranean in order to understand those living in Europe itself.

jeudi 19 avril 2012

It pains me to see people point fingers and call each other names.No one is understanding eo*nough to give teh benefit of the doubt.It pains mz to see people trading free for power.It pains me even more to think that what one has over there cannot be found over here. Discrimination within once one community , it is there, it is obvious but we prefer t saty blind, comforted in the illusion of being quiet and happy. A book is a mirror to a culture and its history. It pains me more to see that some textbooks, sold for pupils nation wide are proning discrimination. It hurts to hear that here, the kids are left with little chance to dream about a better future, to have access to entertainment, to feel like any other kid. Education is a key to open a door over a better tomorrow. Still the key is rotten and the door won't open ,unless we take the time to clean the key thoroughly up.

lundi 9 avril 2012

J'ai rien à dire sauf un message au vautours qui attendent les restes d'une carcasse.Il faut vivre la Tunisie pour la comprendre et l'aimer. Foutez - nous la paix, on n'a pas besoin de votre poison , votre savoi-faire en democratie et surtout pas de votre soi disant aide. I have nothing to wrote about tonight ,expect a message to all the voltures roaming around the leftovers of a skeleton.You have to live Tunisia to understand it and love it. Leave us alone, we do not need your poison, your knwoledge of democracy and certainly not your so called help.
Lived free and we will die honored ,freer, aware , US.

lundi 2 avril 2012

Cloudy thoughts

“ What is wrong Helen? Is it the Schizophrenic-delusional girl again? How does she keep being so comfy with the idea of being dead, you should lobotomize her, it was common back at my times?” “Oh please Diane, not the lobotomy speech again,that is mean and inhuman.” Replied Dr. Troyon angrily. “ I keep treating her , and believe me, today was attempt number 7 , as a matter of fact, I did think that we made a gargantuan progress today, but it is always the same, things go out of control when she discovers that her friend was the one who died” said doctor Troyon desperately. “I know the feeling, well; for you own comfort, let’s say that SOME patients are just HOPELESS nutcases.” “Thank you Diane for the nice words, but don’t we have a session today together” ‘”dear Helen , you do not have to worry, I made progress too, I know that killing my unfaithful husband was not the best thing to be done and expressed my remorse for that, I do reckon you told me that. I just do not understand why you want me to express my guilt toward the killing of his mistress” said old Lady Diane in a disdainful tone “Because murder is murder, if you commit the act you become the responsible one,whether you do it for the GOOD or the WRONG reasons, Lady Diane” “I do wonder who is worse, you trying to treat us from our phobias and damaged psyche or us as we keep fighting our demons , the ones we cherish dearly no matter how horrible and twisted they might be” “I cannot answer you Diane, all I know that humans are more complicated than any possible existing demons” said Doctor Troyon carelessly. She kept running, floating in her airs, she felt someone’s hand grabbing her thin arms, and a slight prick. She can’t see who it is, she is in the air, flying over the living and watching the world below ,flowing its own course. “In death, I found my freedom” whispered Cassandra. An orderly came to put her in bed after administering her with a strong dose of sedative.

dimanche 1 avril 2012

Free access to history

Today, roaming through Facebook, i came through the info " free access to all national museums" what lovely news for a person who doesn't really know what to do for a lazy Sunday morning! I picked a place that I always planned to visit but kept procrastinating , motivated myself and gathered my troops , we went there . A great decision for a wondering mind.I just found myself propelled into centuries of History held vivid through an art and a skill, that artisans kept alive. Mosaic, tiny pieces of stone cut to fit into a bigger design, a vision of grandiose, an exquisite way to portray mundane daily life in Tunisia. Mythology flirting with great leader, gladiators wrestling for glory , wild animals preying in the wild, farmers working for the change of seasons, city ladies getting pampered for vanishing beauty,and grave stones paying an homage or ' bonne memoria' for the eternal peace of the dead ones. The BARDO MUSUEM, it is not only an entrance to the past but it also gives us a glimpse at how the present is molded. Know your past ,keep an eye on your present, thus the future would be what you foresaw.

samedi 31 mars 2012

Quand l'éducation devient un poison.

L’éducation en Tunisie n'a pas besoin de reformes mais d'une chimiothérapie suivie d'une ablation d'une tumeur de plus de 23 centimètres de dégâts. Le système est devenu vétuste, non conforme au normes internationales, et les chances qu'un étudiant soit bien formé en matière et en essence sont presque minimes. Comment prétendre pouvoir sauver un régime qui a crée des générations de jeunes formatés pas vraiment aptes à faire face aux challenges qui les attendes sur le marché du travail national. L'éducation a besoin d’intégrer plusieurs éléments qui peuvent apportés un vrai gain pour les futures diplômés.les jeunes gens ont marre du slogan diplôme égale boulot, ce n'est pas et le taux de chômage actuel le prouve bien. Une formation sommaire et sans but, parfois maladroite puisqu'elle ne mène pas l'obtention des capacités et des exigences des futures employeurs. Le jeune Tunisien trouve un peu surréaliste les annonces d'offres d'emploi, qui estime qu'au moins une expérience de trois ans et nécessaire sachant que le fait de trouvé un stage a mi-temps et quasi impossible , et si la personne est chanceuse , il sera dans un domaine autre que celui de sa spécialisation. Le système produit en masse mais pas en qualité, l'étudiant se lasse et jette l'éponge , étant témoin d'une éducation qui prône l’engrosse-ment en information sans application véritable des leurs connaissances. Formons nos jeunes et donnons leurs l'éducation qu'ils méritent , formons notre staff éducatif pour qu'il ne deviennent pas des robots qui répliquent des programmes truffés d’information,redorons le statut l’étudiant Tunisien qui a besoin de recourir à l'équivalence légalisé à 30 dinars la page, tous les tests de langue et de niveau ,variant de 35 à 270 dinars ,que certaines universités étrangères exigent comme elles discréditent l'actuel niveau éducatif Tunisien,garantissons le future de nos enfants , ne les humilions plus!

jeudi 29 mars 2012

Time to break free

One cannot help noticing an outbreak of opinons, ideas and some threatening ideologies.A time where every person can become a potential hater of a different, sometimes clashing opinion.A funny way to talk about democracy and freedom of speech.what's funny in expressing oneself, well it might be a simple answer or a more complicated one ,depends how one wants to manipulate the other's thoughts ,and even poison them. All we can perceive is that there is no truth and that all the ideals that one might believe in can be easily crashed. It is not about personalities or convictions , it is about preserving peace and stability; times where democracy is used to justify chaos. Peace out the world, there is some beauty left in times of pesticides and rotten media.

jeudi 22 mars 2012

Peace in gossip wars

While having a coffee with my friends at a terrace , I overheard a conversation between two young women, they looked young, educated and from the brands they were wearing I guess well-off too. The entire talk was about how to get rid of some man one of them was dating.the girl in question, seemed lost,turn ,and confused about her feelings. It was so ironic and pretty overrated as I know that most of women , here at least, they would plan how to keep the guy and make him subdue to the ultimate request: Marriage. Anyways, the conversation was tense, filled with schemes ,acts and parts , how's and don'ts,all the ingredients were there to make a great blockbuster. I could not help but think that things are changing, and that women start to choose , the selection process is always there , conditioning their choices, making them focus on the tiniest details that would help them final the one. Still business must be done and even romance has to go with the economic flow.That was the funniest touch that made me really regret overhearing, was that the reason the woman was not sure about her choice , whether to marry for love or for the money. I could Only think of one answer, get a rich guy who's able enough to rewrite her definition of love.And that would be a real proof of immense ,blind love. I hope loads of love for everyone person seeking for it. A tip for all guys, never explain or try to understand as it would be used against you ,one way or another!

mercredi 21 mars 2012

My lemon tree

Today, I
got a lemon tree, it is a stool for now, still I am proud of it. what a splendid way to celebrate spring! when I look at it , I can see a big tall tree, strong enough to set a swing for the kids , generous enough,so that I can collect its fruits for a tasty homemade lemonade. Life gives you lemon for lemonade, I got a lemon tree to make the entire neighborhood more colorful . It might be thousands of miles away from where I live, I might not have the house with the perfect yard that goes with yet,still I am so grateful to have it. Hope makes all the nasty, tricky, unbearable moments in life worth living them.Remember there is a lemon tree or any tree that can bring a bright smile on your face.A tree that would make you think about better greener days, about all the chances that this tree would thrive and grow, about all the ways that you can glimpse at it and reckon that it is a beautiful insight of some higher existence. We shall all go for a tree that would hold us to the roots and life within each one of us. All it needs is some attention and loads of love, taking care of the tree is somehow as looking after one's feelings. A healthy way to give back to the earth,as she asks for recognition and gratitude. We love the earth and all the trees that make us better humans and responsible beings.

mardi 20 mars 2012

Today, a special day in every little sense and broad meaning of the word and term INDEPENDENCE.Downtown, Tunis,on Al Habib Bourguiba avenue,the denotation is symbolic in every way , the name of this avenue is an homage to a great leader, thinker and president. Tunisia is a country where all the paradoxes can meet, still Tunisians all held the same flag and chanted the same national anthem. A wave of people marched down to express their thoughts and feelings. A hurricane of emotions emerging from these eyes, hands and voices, Shouting out loud ,how they mean by independence. Men , women and children were there to show the world how they feel about being reborn again. Today , Tunisia awakened from all the ashes of the past , to define the meaning of the word independent , sovereign state. Tunisians are alive and kicking more than any other time before.Free from fear , confusion and brain manipulation, they utterly showed that all they want is to remain free- spirited, composed and united , able to face all the odds with the same attitude as any other free citizens of the world. A lesson learnt , and an other to remember, our Independence is what's dearest to us, we'll fight for it .No force in the world would tell us apart, no force in the world would make us kneel down, no force is the world would make us forget who we are.
We are Tunisians and we are proud to be part of the free world.
Happy Independence Day Little generous Tunisia, Heading downtown with my homies to celebrate you.

dimanche 18 mars 2012

Defenders of the Homeland

O defenders of the Nation, hasten to the meeting of glory!
We are ready to die, if it is necessary, die so that our country will live!
This our blood in our veins urges us.
There is nobody in our country who refuses to be in the ranks of its soldiers!
We are bound together by our oath of fidelity.
We will live on her soil in dignity
or we will die, for her, in glory.
Be master of your destiny, o my country, and be happy!
Because it is not worth to live without being master of your sovereignty
My boiling blood and all the wealth I possess,
I am ready to sacrifice it for my country and my people.
Glory to you, Tunisia! Greatness of your people, remain forever proud!
Look at your children launching out, such as lions,
In assault on the enemy on the day of the battle
Our heritage, among the nations, is the strength of our arms,
the arms as hard as the rock of these imposing buildings
And which hold high the banner of the country.
This banner makes us proud, and it is proud to be carried by us.
Arms that bring us towards the highest tops
Of glory and greatness
And which guarantee the realisation of our ambitions
Which will bring misfortune to the enemies of our Fatherland
But who are peaceful with all those who want peace.
When the people wants to live, destiny must surely respond
Darkness will disappear, chains will certainly break!

Tunisia national theme lyrics. HTML codes prepared by Translia translation services.

My rights and duties.It's a simple concept but how far people go to enjoy their rights and to fulfill they duties. when I observe that my country there still is corruption , that people still find a way to bail on paying taxes and that things did not really change ; I wonder how one can even believe in certain polls that say things are changing.
A change would do anyone good , a dream would come true, but what if this change would lead to a nightmare.
A change that would end up in a civil war,separatist movement,clash of ideologies, confessional warfare, a conflict orchestrated by hidden forces with occult agendas?
All the questions that a simple citizen is asking are merely that answers he or she would never get.A future dreamt , hopes soon dashed , and more confusion would rise.As a citizen i do have rights, rights that might become my own burden, a load that i would regret carrying.
I would expect the best , still I fear the change.Ironically, last year, I kept hoping and praying for a change to come, something new to happen, and well there was a "revolution". Now, I am afraid and more uncertain.As the lullaby might say: " you'd better watch out  for what you wish for!".

vendredi 16 mars 2012


I have been teaching English for six years . A young in a remote conservative village where gossip and calumny is more powerful than any hard-working an Independent woman can provide for her pupils.When each day there's a new challenge to ascertain herself as a teacher , a woman and Muslim.A society within a society that judges the mere fact that an unmarried woman should not live by herself , that an unmarried young woman is such  an easy target for lustful eyes, that a woman alone without a male's protection is just an other opportunity to exercise male dominance.
what I learnt, just keep my head up high and smile towards a better future, where my needs would be judged and not my marital status.
Yes I am a woman , I know myself and i reckon my limits, I respect myself and I demand respect not as charity but as my full right.

jeudi 15 mars 2012

Be thankful for all the little things you receive, the bad as well as the good ones, it 's written somewhere ... you'll be happy.

mercredi 14 mars 2012

What makes me happy?

Mediation in chaos

I started mediatation today, it felt so different from what I have tried before.laughter yoga was  a good experience but I gave up as I felt the need to move forward to something more " drastic".
Today, I came across this site ' peace revolution' where there's this personalized meditation session, I found myself relieved as I knew Ican stick to my own pace without feeling the pressure to follow the others.
I hope this time i Won't give  up.