dimanche 1 avril 2012

Free access to history

Today, roaming through Facebook, i came through the info " free access to all national museums" what lovely news for a person who doesn't really know what to do for a lazy Sunday morning! I picked a place that I always planned to visit but kept procrastinating , motivated myself and gathered my troops , we went there . A great decision for a wondering mind.I just found myself propelled into centuries of History held vivid through an art and a skill, that artisans kept alive. Mosaic, tiny pieces of stone cut to fit into a bigger design, a vision of grandiose, an exquisite way to portray mundane daily life in Tunisia. Mythology flirting with great leader, gladiators wrestling for glory , wild animals preying in the wild, farmers working for the change of seasons, city ladies getting pampered for vanishing beauty,and grave stones paying an homage or ' bonne memoria' for the eternal peace of the dead ones. The BARDO MUSUEM, it is not only an entrance to the past but it also gives us a glimpse at how the present is molded. Know your past ,keep an eye on your present, thus the future would be what you foresaw.

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