jeudi 26 avril 2012
Two days ago, I went out with some of my pupils to read in an open-space.The whole idea was to replicate the intiviate " Tunis Ta9ra"/ " Tunis reads". they were pretty excited as most of them cannot do such things as they do not have real opportunity to do out of the school activities expect going to the gym for the PE courses.
The only that I have asked to bring was a book.We went to an old church converted into a café/meeting space .Once there, I asked the person who is in charge of the place if we can quietly sit down and read , I told him that I am their english teacher.
First reaction, he looked at me disdainfully, as if saying " Hein, she lOoks too young to be a teacher!", Second reaction "sorry , you cannot sit here,I have people coming for a meeting"he said ; pretty reasonable I would say.I was surprised as a pupil who knew the person explained to him that we only wanted to sit down to just read , SILENTLY, he just told me well you can stay outside, what was fine by me, I just needed a place quiet and relaxing so that my pupils would enjoy reading again.
I asked him whether I could organize a cultural event, and I got the shortest reply " You a need a permission from the town-hall", pretty convincing to make a tower plunge instantly as answer. Since when culture needs a municipal permission , easy in the land of bureaucracy it does require one. SHAME!
All i wanted to initiate a book club for the pupils and here comes the first obstacle.
We sat down,outside under the shades of old church and I explained to them the aims behind the outing and we read for a bout an hour, then every pupil presented the book she/he was reading, and provided a brief summary as a way to incite other pupils to read that book.
Curiousity was my secret weapon to make pupils get involved in reading!
We took some pictures for posterity and I asked them few questions about having our own book club, they loved and asked to it.
I think that it is high time to give pupils the opportunity to have extra-curricular activities that would enable them to have the same chances and to raise they awareness about life, society, be active citizen.
I am also sad to notice that our educational system is openly practicing
Discrimination when I compare the region where I work and other regions where pioneer schools pupils are the stars and the ones belong to remote areas are the outcasts of an UNFAIR educational philosophy.
lundi 23 avril 2012
Princesspriceless: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghre...
Princesspriceless: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghre...: This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghreb region along with the celebration of the first anniversary of the Call of Tunisia and ...
This week, Tunisia will celebrate the great maghreb region along with the celebration of the first anniversary of the Call of Tunisia and to commemorate the Call of Tanger 1958.
The conference of Tunis for a democratic Maghreb union , will be held on April 27th 2012 at the palais des congres.It would be co-organized and coordinated by le mouvement des jeunes maghrebins unis in partenership with UJEM ( l’union des jeunes euro-maghrébins).
More than seventy organisations from the Maghreb are going to participate. The programme would contain panels and reflexion workshops.
Besides ,there will be a call made by the Youth for a Democratic Maghreb Union, as it is the seminal aim of the conference which is to bring about effective resolutions leading to the fulfillment of the conference’s goals.
The youth in the Maghreb region are looking up to Tunisia as a leading maghreb nation requesting political , economical and social policies implementation.
As a maghreb nation,Tunisia should inspire the other nations to channel those needs and aspirations in the region, to encourage the youth to stand up for their rights and to guarantee the a prosperous democratic and unified Maghreb.
Be there as a Tunisian and as a representative of the maghreb youth.
dimanche 22 avril 2012
For two days,we had a taste of being a European MP through the winding alleys of the ministry of Human rights and transitional democracy, Tunis , Tunisia.
A unique opportunity to show that Tunisians can understand and deal with European matters as neutral, knowledgeable and effective MPs.
Far from cliche , political and or religious background influences,young men and women gathered to handle what some would think that it might cross the limits of what is politically correct in a newly born democracy.
I have been an MP from the conservative and reformist party, I have been in the skin of a British citizen/MP defending European values, identity, unity and diversity.
The main issue was whether or not pass a law to ban the Burqa all over Europe as some countries already passed it or still wait for banning it, just like both of France and Belgium did.
We had to express our concerns, speak out about our opinions and as any good politician's reflex , we heavily practised the magic L: lobbying.
The initiative was taken by the ATEMJ to discuss controversial topics howling currently in Europe.
Two days of sharing,pondering, negotiating and progressing.I loved the experience as we had to discus the Burqa ban, and we concluded that it was not about the Burqa itself as a Islamic garment, what was discussed did not focus on the Burqa as sign of submission for Muslim women ,not as a tarnishing image of Islam and certainly not a way to point at the Muslim community living in Europe.
We believe that it should be among European parliament imperatives to enhance cross-cultural communication , to teach cultural differences understanding , and to address issues without falling into the trap of using religion or minorities as scapegoats.
Thank you Europe of freedom and human rights.
Thank you young Tunisians for sending a wake up call to Europe .
It is high time for Europeans to fully understand their neighbors from across the Mediterranean in order to understand those living in Europe itself.
jeudi 19 avril 2012
It pains me to see people point fingers and call each other names.No one is understanding eo*nough to give teh benefit of the doubt.It pains mz to see people trading free for power.It pains me even more to think that what one has over there cannot be found over here.
Discrimination within once one community , it is there, it is obvious but we prefer t saty blind, comforted in the illusion of being quiet and happy.
A book is a mirror to a culture and its history.
It pains me more to see that some textbooks, sold for pupils nation wide are proning discrimination.
It hurts to hear that here, the kids are left with little chance to dream about a better future, to have access to entertainment, to feel like any other kid.
Education is a key to open a door over a better tomorrow. Still the key is rotten and the door won't open ,unless we take the time to clean the key thoroughly up.
lundi 9 avril 2012
J'ai rien à dire sauf un message au vautours qui attendent les restes d'une carcasse.Il faut vivre la Tunisie pour la comprendre et l'aimer.
Foutez - nous la paix, on n'a pas besoin de votre poison , votre savoi-faire en democratie et surtout pas de votre soi disant aide.
I have nothing to wrote about tonight ,expect a message to all the voltures roaming around the leftovers of a skeleton.You have to live Tunisia to understand it and love it.
Leave us alone, we do not need your poison, your knwoledge of democracy and certainly not your so called help.
Lived free and we will die honored ,freer, aware , US.
lundi 2 avril 2012
Cloudy thoughts
“ What is wrong Helen? Is it the Schizophrenic-delusional girl again? How does she keep being so comfy with the idea of being dead, you should lobotomize her, it was common back at my times?”
“Oh please Diane, not the lobotomy speech again,that is mean and inhuman.” Replied Dr. Troyon angrily.
“ I keep treating her , and believe me, today was attempt number 7 , as a matter of fact, I did think that we made a gargantuan progress today, but it is always the same, things go out of control when she discovers that her friend was the one who died” said doctor Troyon desperately.
“I know the feeling, well; for you own comfort, let’s say that SOME patients are just HOPELESS nutcases.”
“Thank you Diane for the nice words, but don’t we have a session today together”
‘”dear Helen , you do not have to worry, I made progress too, I know that killing my unfaithful husband was not the best thing to be done and expressed my remorse for that, I do reckon you told me that. I just do not understand why you want me to express my guilt toward the killing of his mistress” said old Lady Diane in a disdainful tone
“Because murder is murder, if you commit the act you become the responsible one,whether you do it for the GOOD or the WRONG reasons, Lady Diane”
“I do wonder who is worse, you trying to treat us from our phobias and damaged psyche or us as we keep fighting our demons , the ones we cherish dearly no matter how horrible and twisted they might be”
“I cannot answer you Diane, all I know that humans are more complicated than any possible existing demons” said Doctor Troyon carelessly.
She kept running, floating in her airs, she felt someone’s hand grabbing her thin arms, and a slight prick. She can’t see who it is, she is in the air, flying over the living and watching the world below ,flowing its own course.
“In death, I found my freedom” whispered Cassandra.
An orderly came to put her in bed after administering her with a strong dose of sedative.
dimanche 1 avril 2012
Free access to history
Today, roaming through Facebook, i came through the info " free access to all national museums" what lovely news for a person who doesn't really know what to do for a lazy Sunday morning!
I picked a place that I always planned to visit but kept procrastinating , motivated myself and gathered my troops , we went there .
A great decision for a wondering mind.I just found myself propelled into centuries of History held vivid through an art and a skill, that artisans kept alive.
Mosaic, tiny pieces of stone cut to fit into a bigger design, a vision of grandiose, an exquisite way to portray mundane daily life in Tunisia.
Mythology flirting with great leader, gladiators wrestling for glory , wild animals preying in the wild, farmers working for the change of seasons, city ladies getting pampered for vanishing beauty,and grave stones paying an homage or ' bonne memoria' for the eternal peace of the dead ones.
The BARDO MUSUEM, it is not only an entrance to the past but it also gives us a glimpse at how the present is molded.
Know your past ,keep an eye on your present, thus the future would be what you foresaw.
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