mardi 23 octobre 2012

Tunisia is where the heart is.

A year ago, I was pushing everyone in my family to go to vote, I even made my brother register at the last moment.I was so proud,hopeful , and aspiring to see a country relive a wave of freedom since our independence in 1956. I still remember the excitement, the happiness , and the urge to vote in every Tunisian who were there at the voting rooms. We made the voting day a family quality time thing. We never really voted, my parents votes were systematically counted and we had electoral cards that only served to justify fake votes. I took pictures the day of the election, my first ever election , a way for me to remember theses moments, to tell my children about that day, to share what I lived with persons who've done it before me and those who did not. I took pictures to remind me of my right and duties, to remind me that freedom always come with a price, and that one can be deprived from enjoying his/her right to be a citizen. I believe that things did change for me, I realized that who ever I would elect, that person works for me. By this I mean, that who ever presents him/herself for a governmental position is a public official that should for the people who had voted for him and never the other way around. I was thinking that those persons would smart enough to realize that very simple notion.Alas, some thought have a nice desk would make them " a khalifa instead of the current one". I am still hoping that my land would and will stay the country of peace, where people never hesitate to enjoy life's simplest pleasures, where the jasmine's smell reminds me my sweet Tunisia. May Allah protect you from obscurantism, ignorance and GREED!