samedi 31 mars 2012

Quand l'éducation devient un poison.

L’éducation en Tunisie n'a pas besoin de reformes mais d'une chimiothérapie suivie d'une ablation d'une tumeur de plus de 23 centimètres de dégâts. Le système est devenu vétuste, non conforme au normes internationales, et les chances qu'un étudiant soit bien formé en matière et en essence sont presque minimes. Comment prétendre pouvoir sauver un régime qui a crée des générations de jeunes formatés pas vraiment aptes à faire face aux challenges qui les attendes sur le marché du travail national. L'éducation a besoin d’intégrer plusieurs éléments qui peuvent apportés un vrai gain pour les futures diplômés.les jeunes gens ont marre du slogan diplôme égale boulot, ce n'est pas et le taux de chômage actuel le prouve bien. Une formation sommaire et sans but, parfois maladroite puisqu'elle ne mène pas l'obtention des capacités et des exigences des futures employeurs. Le jeune Tunisien trouve un peu surréaliste les annonces d'offres d'emploi, qui estime qu'au moins une expérience de trois ans et nécessaire sachant que le fait de trouvé un stage a mi-temps et quasi impossible , et si la personne est chanceuse , il sera dans un domaine autre que celui de sa spécialisation. Le système produit en masse mais pas en qualité, l'étudiant se lasse et jette l'éponge , étant témoin d'une éducation qui prône l’engrosse-ment en information sans application véritable des leurs connaissances. Formons nos jeunes et donnons leurs l'éducation qu'ils méritent , formons notre staff éducatif pour qu'il ne deviennent pas des robots qui répliquent des programmes truffés d’information,redorons le statut l’étudiant Tunisien qui a besoin de recourir à l'équivalence légalisé à 30 dinars la page, tous les tests de langue et de niveau ,variant de 35 à 270 dinars ,que certaines universités étrangères exigent comme elles discréditent l'actuel niveau éducatif Tunisien,garantissons le future de nos enfants , ne les humilions plus!

jeudi 29 mars 2012

Time to break free

One cannot help noticing an outbreak of opinons, ideas and some threatening ideologies.A time where every person can become a potential hater of a different, sometimes clashing opinion.A funny way to talk about democracy and freedom of speech.what's funny in expressing oneself, well it might be a simple answer or a more complicated one ,depends how one wants to manipulate the other's thoughts ,and even poison them. All we can perceive is that there is no truth and that all the ideals that one might believe in can be easily crashed. It is not about personalities or convictions , it is about preserving peace and stability; times where democracy is used to justify chaos. Peace out the world, there is some beauty left in times of pesticides and rotten media.

jeudi 22 mars 2012

Peace in gossip wars

While having a coffee with my friends at a terrace , I overheard a conversation between two young women, they looked young, educated and from the brands they were wearing I guess well-off too. The entire talk was about how to get rid of some man one of them was dating.the girl in question, seemed lost,turn ,and confused about her feelings. It was so ironic and pretty overrated as I know that most of women , here at least, they would plan how to keep the guy and make him subdue to the ultimate request: Marriage. Anyways, the conversation was tense, filled with schemes ,acts and parts , how's and don'ts,all the ingredients were there to make a great blockbuster. I could not help but think that things are changing, and that women start to choose , the selection process is always there , conditioning their choices, making them focus on the tiniest details that would help them final the one. Still business must be done and even romance has to go with the economic flow.That was the funniest touch that made me really regret overhearing, was that the reason the woman was not sure about her choice , whether to marry for love or for the money. I could Only think of one answer, get a rich guy who's able enough to rewrite her definition of love.And that would be a real proof of immense ,blind love. I hope loads of love for everyone person seeking for it. A tip for all guys, never explain or try to understand as it would be used against you ,one way or another!

mercredi 21 mars 2012

My lemon tree

Today, I
got a lemon tree, it is a stool for now, still I am proud of it. what a splendid way to celebrate spring! when I look at it , I can see a big tall tree, strong enough to set a swing for the kids , generous enough,so that I can collect its fruits for a tasty homemade lemonade. Life gives you lemon for lemonade, I got a lemon tree to make the entire neighborhood more colorful . It might be thousands of miles away from where I live, I might not have the house with the perfect yard that goes with yet,still I am so grateful to have it. Hope makes all the nasty, tricky, unbearable moments in life worth living them.Remember there is a lemon tree or any tree that can bring a bright smile on your face.A tree that would make you think about better greener days, about all the chances that this tree would thrive and grow, about all the ways that you can glimpse at it and reckon that it is a beautiful insight of some higher existence. We shall all go for a tree that would hold us to the roots and life within each one of us. All it needs is some attention and loads of love, taking care of the tree is somehow as looking after one's feelings. A healthy way to give back to the earth,as she asks for recognition and gratitude. We love the earth and all the trees that make us better humans and responsible beings.

mardi 20 mars 2012

Today, a special day in every little sense and broad meaning of the word and term INDEPENDENCE.Downtown, Tunis,on Al Habib Bourguiba avenue,the denotation is symbolic in every way , the name of this avenue is an homage to a great leader, thinker and president. Tunisia is a country where all the paradoxes can meet, still Tunisians all held the same flag and chanted the same national anthem. A wave of people marched down to express their thoughts and feelings. A hurricane of emotions emerging from these eyes, hands and voices, Shouting out loud ,how they mean by independence. Men , women and children were there to show the world how they feel about being reborn again. Today , Tunisia awakened from all the ashes of the past , to define the meaning of the word independent , sovereign state. Tunisians are alive and kicking more than any other time before.Free from fear , confusion and brain manipulation, they utterly showed that all they want is to remain free- spirited, composed and united , able to face all the odds with the same attitude as any other free citizens of the world. A lesson learnt , and an other to remember, our Independence is what's dearest to us, we'll fight for it .No force in the world would tell us apart, no force in the world would make us kneel down, no force is the world would make us forget who we are.
We are Tunisians and we are proud to be part of the free world.
Happy Independence Day Little generous Tunisia, Heading downtown with my homies to celebrate you.

dimanche 18 mars 2012

Defenders of the Homeland

O defenders of the Nation, hasten to the meeting of glory!
We are ready to die, if it is necessary, die so that our country will live!
This our blood in our veins urges us.
There is nobody in our country who refuses to be in the ranks of its soldiers!
We are bound together by our oath of fidelity.
We will live on her soil in dignity
or we will die, for her, in glory.
Be master of your destiny, o my country, and be happy!
Because it is not worth to live without being master of your sovereignty
My boiling blood and all the wealth I possess,
I am ready to sacrifice it for my country and my people.
Glory to you, Tunisia! Greatness of your people, remain forever proud!
Look at your children launching out, such as lions,
In assault on the enemy on the day of the battle
Our heritage, among the nations, is the strength of our arms,
the arms as hard as the rock of these imposing buildings
And which hold high the banner of the country.
This banner makes us proud, and it is proud to be carried by us.
Arms that bring us towards the highest tops
Of glory and greatness
And which guarantee the realisation of our ambitions
Which will bring misfortune to the enemies of our Fatherland
But who are peaceful with all those who want peace.
When the people wants to live, destiny must surely respond
Darkness will disappear, chains will certainly break!

Tunisia national theme lyrics. HTML codes prepared by Translia translation services.

My rights and duties.It's a simple concept but how far people go to enjoy their rights and to fulfill they duties. when I observe that my country there still is corruption , that people still find a way to bail on paying taxes and that things did not really change ; I wonder how one can even believe in certain polls that say things are changing.
A change would do anyone good , a dream would come true, but what if this change would lead to a nightmare.
A change that would end up in a civil war,separatist movement,clash of ideologies, confessional warfare, a conflict orchestrated by hidden forces with occult agendas?
All the questions that a simple citizen is asking are merely that answers he or she would never get.A future dreamt , hopes soon dashed , and more confusion would rise.As a citizen i do have rights, rights that might become my own burden, a load that i would regret carrying.
I would expect the best , still I fear the change.Ironically, last year, I kept hoping and praying for a change to come, something new to happen, and well there was a "revolution". Now, I am afraid and more uncertain.As the lullaby might say: " you'd better watch out  for what you wish for!".

vendredi 16 mars 2012


I have been teaching English for six years . A young in a remote conservative village where gossip and calumny is more powerful than any hard-working an Independent woman can provide for her pupils.When each day there's a new challenge to ascertain herself as a teacher , a woman and Muslim.A society within a society that judges the mere fact that an unmarried woman should not live by herself , that an unmarried young woman is such  an easy target for lustful eyes, that a woman alone without a male's protection is just an other opportunity to exercise male dominance.
what I learnt, just keep my head up high and smile towards a better future, where my needs would be judged and not my marital status.
Yes I am a woman , I know myself and i reckon my limits, I respect myself and I demand respect not as charity but as my full right.

jeudi 15 mars 2012

Be thankful for all the little things you receive, the bad as well as the good ones, it 's written somewhere ... you'll be happy.

mercredi 14 mars 2012

What makes me happy?

Mediation in chaos

I started mediatation today, it felt so different from what I have tried before.laughter yoga was  a good experience but I gave up as I felt the need to move forward to something more " drastic".
Today, I came across this site ' peace revolution' where there's this personalized meditation session, I found myself relieved as I knew Ican stick to my own pace without feeling the pressure to follow the others.
I hope this time i Won't give  up.