mercredi 21 mars 2012

My lemon tree

Today, I
got a lemon tree, it is a stool for now, still I am proud of it. what a splendid way to celebrate spring! when I look at it , I can see a big tall tree, strong enough to set a swing for the kids , generous enough,so that I can collect its fruits for a tasty homemade lemonade. Life gives you lemon for lemonade, I got a lemon tree to make the entire neighborhood more colorful . It might be thousands of miles away from where I live, I might not have the house with the perfect yard that goes with yet,still I am so grateful to have it. Hope makes all the nasty, tricky, unbearable moments in life worth living them.Remember there is a lemon tree or any tree that can bring a bright smile on your face.A tree that would make you think about better greener days, about all the chances that this tree would thrive and grow, about all the ways that you can glimpse at it and reckon that it is a beautiful insight of some higher existence. We shall all go for a tree that would hold us to the roots and life within each one of us. All it needs is some attention and loads of love, taking care of the tree is somehow as looking after one's feelings. A healthy way to give back to the earth,as she asks for recognition and gratitude. We love the earth and all the trees that make us better humans and responsible beings.

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