jeudi 19 avril 2012

It pains me to see people point fingers and call each other names.No one is understanding eo*nough to give teh benefit of the doubt.It pains mz to see people trading free for power.It pains me even more to think that what one has over there cannot be found over here. Discrimination within once one community , it is there, it is obvious but we prefer t saty blind, comforted in the illusion of being quiet and happy. A book is a mirror to a culture and its history. It pains me more to see that some textbooks, sold for pupils nation wide are proning discrimination. It hurts to hear that here, the kids are left with little chance to dream about a better future, to have access to entertainment, to feel like any other kid. Education is a key to open a door over a better tomorrow. Still the key is rotten and the door won't open ,unless we take the time to clean the key thoroughly up.

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