jeudi 26 avril 2012

Two days ago, I went out with some of my pupils to read in an open-space.The whole idea was to replicate the intiviate " Tunis Ta9ra"/ " Tunis reads". they were pretty excited as most of them cannot do such things as they do not have real opportunity to do out of the school activities expect going to the gym for the PE courses. The only that I have asked to bring was a book.We went to an old church converted into a café/meeting space .Once there, I asked the person who is in charge of the place if we can quietly sit down and read , I told him that I am their english teacher. First reaction, he looked at me disdainfully, as if saying " Hein, she lOoks too young to be a teacher!", Second reaction "sorry , you cannot sit here,I have people coming for a meeting"he said ; pretty reasonable I would say.I was surprised as a pupil who knew the person explained to him that we only wanted to sit down to just read , SILENTLY, he just told me well you can stay outside, what was fine by me, I just needed a place quiet and relaxing so that my pupils would enjoy reading again. I asked him whether I could organize a cultural event, and I got the shortest reply " You a need a permission from the town-hall", pretty convincing to make a tower plunge instantly as answer. Since when culture needs a municipal permission , easy in the land of bureaucracy it does require one. SHAME! All i wanted to initiate a book club for the pupils and here comes the first obstacle. We sat down,outside under the shades of old church and I explained to them the aims behind the outing and we read for a bout an hour, then every pupil presented the book she/he was reading, and provided a brief summary as a way to incite other pupils to read that book. Curiousity was my secret weapon to make pupils get involved in reading! We took some pictures for posterity and I asked them few questions about having our own book club, they loved and asked to it. I think that it is high time to give pupils the opportunity to have extra-curricular activities that would enable them to have the same chances and to raise they awareness about life, society, be active citizen. I am also sad to notice that our educational system is openly practicing Discrimination when I compare the region where I work and other regions where pioneer schools pupils are the stars and the ones belong to remote areas are the outcasts of an UNFAIR educational philosophy. GIVE ALL THE KIDS THE SAME PADDLES AND BOATS AND THEY SHALL SAIL TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE.

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